Monday 10 January 2011

ISC Catalogue

I browsed through my books in the cabinet, and I noted a blue book with some stamp images on its cover. Yes, it is an ISC catalogue, an old one, released in 1984 - 26 years ago! The cover of the book seems to be attractive though the printing inside the book is totally black and white with "grossy" paper.

I'm a bit of dinausor type of person.... I'm still using an ISC catalogue released in 1999! Well, I tried to compare the catalogue price between the 1984 catalogue and 1999 catalogue for some of the stamps. Here you go.....

Catalogue 1984: RM0.80
Catalogue 1999: RM5.00
Catalogue 2011: to be known soon :)

Catalogue 1984: RM4.50
Catalogue 1999: RM5.00
Catalogue 2011: to be known soon :)

Catalogue 1984: RM125.00
Catalogue 1999: RM280.00
Catalogue 2011: to be known soon :)

Catalogue 1984: RM0.70
Catalogue 1999: RM9.00
Catalogue 2011: to be known soon :)

Some stamp sets have their catalogue price appreciated greatly but some seem to move like a tortoise!

Que sare, sare
Whatever will be, will be
The future is not ours, to see
What will be, will be