Monday, 20 December 2010

2010 - Traditional Games with Upin and Ipin

Pos Malaysia released a stamp issue on December 13, 2010 containing six stamps and a miniature sheet. These stamps and miniature sheet are of self-adhesive stickers. I only managed to obtain the stamps and miniature sheet today due to my very busy schedule the last three weeks. This is the very first time for Pos Malaysia to issue self-adhesive stamps. The stamps and miniature sheet aslo contain fluorescent mark (can be visualized under uv light), and the flourescent mark is of songket pattern (similar to that used in Current stamps released on January 18, 2010). The perforation of the adhesive stamps is not in die-cut form, but the miniature sheet has die-cut perforation. In other words, one has to tear off the adhesive stamps from the stamp sheet (to separate them individually) before they are used as postage.