Monday 25 April 2011

Garden Flower Definitive Reprint 80 sen

I've got a special request from a regular visitor to my blog asking me to show the serial number and variety of the 80s Garden Flower Definitive reprint.... This reminds me the old and nostalgic TV show "YOU ASK FOR IT".... hehehehe

So far the 80s Garden Flower Definitive reprint has been printed in serial number 2010/1 and also without serial number. Apart from that, the 80s Garden Flower Definitive reprint also has two different formats - with border and without border. To make thing complicated, there are also two types of perforation for this 80s Garden Flower Definitive reprint - type I (P14x13.75) and type III (P14.75x14.5).

So, you may ask what are the combinations (serial number, border and perforation) for the 80s Garden Flower Definitive reprint available up to date. Well, there are so far only four combinations have been recorded:

i) Serial number 2010/1; with border; perf type I
ii) Serial number 2010/1; without border; perf type III
iii) Without serial number; without border; perf type I
iv) Without serial number; without border; perf type III

I have so far in my possession for three out of four combinations (see images below). How about you? Have you got all the four combinations?

Serial number 2010/1; with border; perf type I

Without serial number; without border; perf type I

Without serial number; without border; perf type III