Friday 29 March 2019

Red Packets - Marlboro 2017

GPM Rewards Club (Marlboro) - 2017

This set of red packets is full of meaning to me because one of the packets (top most left) depicts my ancestry (clan). You may notice that a traditional signboard with two Chinese characters 颖川 (pronounced as ying chuan) is hung above the doorway. The words on the traditional signboard may indicate the origin of the family residing in the house or the region from which their ancestor came from (you may read about the traditional signboard here by Goh (2015)). 颖川 is my ancestry. One of the decedents of 颖川 is of surname 锺 (Choong or Chung).

    The whole packet set depicts the evolution of the house architecture of the Chinese in Malaysia. I like the rooster at the roof top. It is evolving from the fat rooster to the metal rooster in the wind direction indicator. The rooster image employed in design of the packets is for the purpose to indicate zodiac year of rooster (year 2017). The roof is also evolving from thatch material to zinc and then to tile, and that the last packet shows roof with solar panel, indicating betterment in the livelihood of the ordinary folk.

    The first packet (top most left) depicts the livelihood condition of Malaysian Chinese most likely in 1940s/50s during the Malayan Emergency. The second packet (top middle) shows the livelihood in 1960s/70s. The third packet (top most right) shows the livelihood in 1980s. The fourth packet (bottom most left) shows the livelihood in 1990s, and the last one (bottom middle) shows the livelihood in 2000s and onwards. Looking at this set of packets is like traveling through the time to see the improvement of likelihood.... I am really thankful and grateful to the sacrifices of our forefathers.