Saturday 27 June 2009

2005 Bird Definitives 30 sen - 2009/2 (Second Version)

I was quite taken aback when I saw this 30 sen bird definitive with serial number 2009/2. Many of us thought that the new print of 30 sen bird definitive without watermark and with new Pos Malaysia logo (on sheet margin) first appeared in serial number 2009/3, and 2009/2 was the last serial number with SPM watermark and old Pos Malaysia logo. With the appearence of the record shown below, however, the above hypothesis has been over-ruled. This serial number 2009/2 (second version; images below) somehow is a bit different from the previous one (first version) because the perforations run through the serial number on the second version. The stamps from the second version of this serial number do not have watermark as that of the serial number 2009/3.