Wednesday 23 December 2009

Garden Flower Definitive MS - Perforation

The Garden Flower State Definitives was re-issued in format of mini sheetlet on November 24, 2009. Perforation P13.75x14 (type-1) is the standard perforation size for these stamps in the mini sheetlets. However, perforation P14.5x14.75 (type-3) has also been found for this re-issued stamps. Up to date, only Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan mini sheetlets have the two types of perforation, and of course the type-3 is less common.

So, how to tell the type of perforation for these definitive stamps without using perforation gauge? It is very simple, and what you need to do is to count! Type-1 (P13.75x14) has 18 pin holes at the horizontal perforation (see below; top image) while type-3 (P14.5x14.75) has 19 pin holes instead.

top: type-1 perforation with 18 pin holes; bottom: type-3 perforation with 19 pin holes

To my surprise, the interesting part of perforation variation for these mini sheetlets does not just stop here. What happens is that the type-3 mini sheetlets for Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan are not strictly type-3 perforation but a composite one (see the illustration below)! All the horizontal perforated sides on these mini sheetlets have a size of P14.5 (characteristics of type-3) and the all vertical perforated side except the right most have a size of P14.75 (characteristics of type-3). However, the right most vertical perforated side for these mini sheetlets has a perforation size of P14 (characteristics of type-1)! This means that the 5 sen, 10 sen, 30 sen and 40 sen stamps have a perforation of P14.5x14.75 (true type-3) while the 20 sen and 50 sen stamps have a perforation of P14.5x14.75 but P14 at right (composite type). Up to date, composite perforation has not been recorded in all the reprints (in sheet of 100 stamps) of definitive stamps (agro-based, fruit and bird). It is very unlikely to have composite perforation when these garden flower state definitives appear later in sheet-of-100 re-prints. In other words, the 20 sen and 50 sen stamps with composite perforation would most likely be available only from these mini sheetlets.

the green colour lines are that of type-3 and the red colour line is that of type-1

For those who are interested in perforation variation, you had better check your mini sheetlets..... you may be lucky to get this type-3 perforation mini sheetlets. I believe that type-3 perforation mini sheetlet might also exist for other states. I will be delighted if you inform me their existance. I am very happy to exchange with you with Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan type-3 ones!