Saturday 9 January 2010

Spider Stamp Sheet - Perforation Layout

I wrote about the two types of perforation in spider stamp sheet (the spider stamps issued on December 7, 2009) some time ago (click here to see the entry). The two perforation types are:

Type A: P13.5
Type B: P13.5 but P14 at top

Stamp sheet with layout of perforation stamps showing 50% type A and 50% type B (Figure 1) is a common layout. However, second type of layout (Figure 2) showing 75% type A and 25% type B has also been recorded for these spider stamp sheets. The second type of sheet layout is less common. For those collecting stamp sheets, these different perforation stamp layouts are worth something to collect. I have only spider 30s (Gasteracantha arcuata) stamp sheet with the second type layout. However, I was told that second type layout has also occurred in sheet of other spider stamps.

Figure 1: sheet layout showing 50% type A and 50% type B

Figure 2: sheet layout showing 75% type A and 25% type B