Monday 1 March 2010

Personalised Stamp - 1-Malaysia

Pos Malaysia released one new personalised stamp on February 4, 2010. The new personalised stamp is on topic of 1-Malaysia. The stamp is quite similar to one of the earlier 1-Malaysia stamps issued on August 31, 2009. I was learnt that the new personalised was popular, and it was sold out within two weeks after the release. I think it is mainly due to the price of the new personalised stamp. The new personalised stamp sheet (containing 20 pieces of 30-sen-stamp) was sold at a price of RM6 (the face value). In contrast, the other earlier personalised stamp sheet (still available at time of writing this entry) is sold at price of RM19. I heard that Pos Malaysia is planning to reprint this new 1-Malaysia personalised stamp, but the selling price would most likely be RM19 per stamp sheet.

I think the portrait on the right side of the personalised is gorgeous. Don't you think so...... heheheheehehe