Sunday 15 August 2010

Fruit Definitive (Starfruit) - Serial Number 2010/01

The appearence of serial number 2010/01 for RM2 fruit definitive (starfruit) was a bit of surprise for many definitive collectors. Many thought that the RM2 starfruit definitive would just end by serial number 2007/1 (click here to see the other serial numbers for RM2 starfruit definitive), and the denomination RM2 definitive will be replaced straight away by RM2 garden flower definitive. So, the appearence of RM2 fruit definitive serial number 2010/01 is most likely due to the printing of this serial number (badge of reprint) early of year 2010 before the emergence of the proposal of new garden flower definitives (in fact the garden flower definitives only came to light in May 2010 though the release date was on July 1, 2010).

There are a few things worth to note on this RM2 starfruit definitive serial number 2010/01. Fisrtly, the RM2 starfruit definitive from this serial number has brown gum. So, this is a new variety for RM2 starfruit definitive (previous one has creamy/green gum). Secondly, the new logo of Pos Malaysia is employed for the printing of logo on stamp sheet (see second image below). Thirdly, the numbering system of the serial number is reversed back to the early day ones - "01" (2010/01) is used rather than "1" (2010/1).