Friday 4 November 2011

Perforation and Watermark Varieties - Quails and Partridges 2001 - Revisit

I wrote some time ago about the challenging task on figuring out the number of varieties (watermark and perforation) for the stamp issue of Quials and Partridges released on January 22, 2001. You may click here to read the old entry. Until today, the number of varieties for these Quials and Partridges still remains uncertain. However, I am updating the varieties that I have in my collection. All this while, the watermark recorded for these stamps is SPM sideway down. However, someone told me that SPM sideway up watermark has been recorded for the denomination 30s. I am not sure how true is this information.

in my collection (30 sen):
P13.75 sideway down watermark
P13.75 no watermark
P14.25 sideway down watermark
P14.25 no watermark

in my collection (50 sen):
P13.75 sideway down watermark
P13.75 no watermark
P14.25 no watermark

in my collection (RM1):
P13.75 no watermark
P14.25 sideway down watermark
P14.25 no watermark