Saturday 10 November 2012

Fruit Definitive Mango RM10 - 2012/01

The serial number for fruit definitive Mango RM10 is now 2012/01. The colour control plate is no longer printed on the sheet margin. Colour control plate was present for earlier serial numbers. Click here to see those earlier serial numbers for RM10 Mango.

The RM10 Mango from serial number 2012/01 is a "NEW" stamp because it is different from those of serial numbers 2002/01 and 2003/1. The scientific name of mango is in italics (Mangifera odorata) for those of 2002/2 and 2003/1, but not in italics (Mangifera odorata) for 2012/01 (see below image for comparison).

the top stamp showing Mangifera odorata in italics font and the bottom stamp showing Mangifera odorata in normal font.