On April 6, 1996, postal authority of Malaysia released a set of four stamps on topic of pitcher plants. Four pitcher plant species were depicted on the stamps, i.e. N. sanguinea, N. macfarlanei, N. rajah and N. lowii. The stamps were printed in format of setenat pair.
On December 31, 1999, postal authority of Malaysia released a set of 10 stamps to commemorate the new millennium. One of the stamps shows an image of pitcher plant. The pitcher plant species depicted in the stamp is N. lowii.
On April 26, 2006, postal authority of Malaysia released a set of four stamps on topic of mountains of Malaysia. One of the stamps depicting Mt. Ledang has an image of pitcher plant. The pitcher plant species on the stamp is N. sanguinea. The most conspicious pitcher plant species at Mt. Ledang is N. sanguinea, and this information is well presented on the stamp.