Friday 28 August 2009

Pitcher Plant - UN New York

The postal authority of United Nations (New York) released a set of endangered floral stamps on March 14, 1996. One of the stamps shows a pitcher plant species - Cephalotus follicularis. Cephalotus follicularis known as West Australian pitcher plant is endemic to southwestern part of Australia. This pitcher plant species is classified under the family Cephalotaceae, which is quite different from the common pitcher plant family Nepentheceae endemic to Southeast Asia. In fact, C. follicularis is more closely related to apple and oak than Nepenthes plants, scientifically. Family Cephalotaceae is a monotypic family and Cephalotus is a monotypic genus, meaning that there is only one species in the family Cephalotaceae - C. follicularis. Eventhough C. follicularis is only found in Australia, Australian postal authority has yet issued stamp on this spectacular plant species.