In Kelantan, code "C" is still being used on some datestamps, and of course "C" is for counter. There are also other codes appear on the modern datestamps. Below is the list of these secret codes.
"K" - Kaunter (Counter)
"C" - Counter
"M" - Mel (Mail)
"P" - Pendaftaran (Registration)
"PD" - Pendaftaran (Registration)
"B" - Bungkusan (Parcel)
"PJ" - Pos Jelas (Paid)
"PE" - Pos Ekspress (Express Mail)
"PPB" - Pejabat Pos Bergerak (Mobil Post Office)
Have I missed any other secret codes? Please kindly inform me if I have left out some other codes.
P/S: I had a discussion with a fellow collector on topic of datestamp code over the weekend. I'm learnt that code "R" on datestamp from Kelantan is still being used. "R" means registration. So, it looks like some post offices in Kelantan are still using "old" datestamp chops (same as that of code "C" on datestamp also from Kelantan).